DDial Public Chat
Free Public Chat and Private Chat, Anonymous, Secure and Truly Instant Access

What is DDial? (Diversi-Dial)

Diversi-Dial was built in the mid 1980's creating one of the first chat systems used before the Internet existed. Running on an Apple computer, each Ddial had 7 lines that could be dialed into with a 300 Baud modem (a Very Slow connection). This is where line numbers were introduced based on the modem you connected to.

Throughout North America many Ddial stations would link with eachother so that all stations were connected in one place. This allowed multiple cities to be connected to the ultimate party-line amongst the youth and teenagers of the day.

Other systems began to appear copying the DDial format, such as: STS (synergy telconferencing system) and GTalk (Ginsu Talk), each adding their own unique additions and features. By the early 90's when the Internet became more available the IRC (internet relay chat) took hold modeling again the ddial system and allowing hundreds and thousands of people to connect, essentially killing the old dialup chat systems. The IRC remains today, but requires software to download, barriers to entry and clunky interfacing.

This is a Web Ddial, fused with concepts from STS, GTALK, and many additional new features and commands for the modern world including Image uploads, Image pasting, Youtube Embedded links for viewing, 1400 google fonts, multi-player games, discussion rooms, offline messages, public message slots, and a clean interface.

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