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Wheel of Words (multiplayer game)

Wheel of Words is modeled loosely after the TV Game Show: Wheel of Fortune. There are more than 45 thousand phrases from the game show.

This is a multiplayer /p Game, which means all game performance is done through private messages allowing you to play with others on any channel while also chatting publicly or privately.

The game allows 2-10 players at any given time to play. If the game is full you will be put into Queue for the next available slot.

To join the multiplayer game simply type /p1 join. Tying /p? will provide a full list of commands (they are pretty basic). For those that wish to only Spectate they can type /p1 watch

Players are provided a category for each phrase. The phrase is represented with underscores
Ex: _ _ _ _ _ _ and as each letter is guessed the Underscores are filled in with the correct letter.

When it is your turn simply type /p1 (letter or guess) where Letter is a single letter or a Full Guess of the Phrase.

Vowels are worth 1 point. Consonants are worth 3 points. Guessing the full phrase you will win the value of each letter unguessed.

Members have their scores recorded and badges awarded.

Word game leader board

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